Heather McCutcheon

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Published in Energy Magazine

I got a call a couple months ago from the editor of Energy Magazine asking if they could republish my piece from Massage and Bodywork MagazineReiki and PTSD: Easing the Burdens of War. Of course I was flattered and consented immediately. I found out later this Healing Touch publication had never included a piece on Reiki before, and were called to do so based on the content of my article. They were particularly drawn to piece’s motivational pull to get practitioners to volunteer and instruction on how to establish a grounded program.

I’m so thrilled to be building bridges and sharing this information with a larger audience. You can read my article by clicking the link above, or access the full magazine here.

If you’re in Chicago and would like to volunteer with us, download this application and contact me with any questions.

And if you liked this article, you’ll love my book, Connecting the Dots:  from ad exec to energy practitioner, a memoir and guidebook.